Sudheesh's GSoC 2016 Blog

I am currently a student under Google Summer of Code 2016 working with Loklak in FOSSASIA and the other tools required to make loklak happen. I am an active open source contributor and dedicate myself to the open source community and open software.

Loklak Python API Release v1.5 and Changelog

05 May 2016

The Python API for loklak has made it really simple for using loklak in many applications which are twitter based and want to move towards Loklak. This API has also been a great point for a lot of researchers working on twitter data analysis and other sentiment analysis tools based on twitter data. The API needed quite a few enhancements the most important being the support for private loklak servers instead of the only support for

In this update, the team has made some amazing changes to the API and some of them are as follows:

  • Support for local/private loklak servers and multiple loklak server objects.
  • Reduced computation and lighter library
  • Image responses and support for getMarkdown and getMap functionalities with text overlay over them.
  • Unit tested completely
  • Added Examples for each of the ways to use the python API for loklak
  • Fallback mechanisms and failures on private servers moves to production server.
  • Command line interface for loklak using the loklak command on the commandline , allowing shell scripts and other devops tools to take advantage.
  • Integrated the GeoCode API support in python.
  • Supports unicode and doesn't break on encountering an unicode character.

This can now be easily installed from pypi by doing pip install python-loklak-api

We look forward to more updates coming into this library when the IoT support for loklak rolls out. This would mean changes in the push API implementations and a stream based service to coordinate between devices. In the near future we'd like to move all the documentation to a read the docs sphinx implementation like other python libaries out there.